
ICA New Music Weekend 2023: Potpourri Concert 2

Potpourri Concert 2 – YouTube Premiere
October 21, 2023 at 2:O0 PM EST

Imprints from the Forest for clarinet and guitar
Xinyuan Deng

Renae Dishman, clarinet
Fangfang Liu, guitar

Bantam Winds for oboe, bass clarinet, and horn (2021)
Celka Ojakangas

Bantam Winds
Kristin Leitterman, oboe
Erin Cameron, bass clarinet
Juli Buxbaum, horn

a sprout breaks into the sunlight and crystalline blue, like culture from artists in a city
Casey Weisman

Benjamin Spinrad, bass clarinet
Nicholas Chesemore, bass clarinet

When: 10/21/2023 | 2:00 pm

Featuring: Renae Dishman, clarinet; Fangfang Liu, guitar; Kristin Leitterman, oboe; Erin Cameron, bass clarinet; Juli Buxbaum, horn; Benjamin Spinrad, bass clarinet; Nicholas Chesemore, bass clarinet

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