
ClarinetFest® 2021 Virtual: Simple Techniques to Bring Body Mapping into the Clarinet Studio

“Simple Techniques to Bring Body Mapping into the Clarinet Studio”
with Dr. Jacqueline McIlwain
Prior to my licensure in Body Mapping I could identify a student’s issue in regard to posture, breathing, hand position, etc., however, I did not know what was specifically causing the issue nor the language to guide the student in correcting the issue. After years of experimenting, I have found many simple ways to help direct students to a healthier way of thinking and moving without the requirement of detailed diagnostic abilities nor sophisticated body knowledge. During this presentation, we will explore easy ways to instruct students to sit, stand, hold the instrument, and breathe that will allow the student more overall freedom and ease in their clarinet playing so they can emote more easily and naturally as well as have more overall control of their bodies and performances.
Jacqueline McIlwain’s appearance is supported in part by The University of Southern Mississippi

When: 07/18/2021 | 3:00 pm

Featuring: Jacqueline McIlwain

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