
ClarinetFest® 2021 Virtual: Health & Wellness in the CLC: Panel 1

Panel 1: Diet and Its Relationship to Pain and Injury Prevention Plus Mental Health and Focus
Organized by Kathryne Pirtle with members of the ICA Health and Wellness Committee
1. What can a musician address in their health and diet if they have chronic pain and are prone to injury?
2. Are there pre-existing conditions that could cause a person to be more susceptible to chronic pain?
3. What are some foods to avoid and ones to consume that can help prevent chronic pain and build optimal health?
4. In building optimal health, are individual dietary needs different from person to person?
5. How do diet and digestion affect mental health and focus?

When: 07/10/2021 | 10:30 am

Featuring: Kathryne Pirtle; ICA Health and Wellness Committee

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