
ClarinetFest® 2021 Virtual: Black Baccara Rose Recital

Hijinx Quartet

Jared Isaac Aragón (b.1990)

*World Premiere*

Commissioned by Hijinx Quartet for I.C.A. ClarinetFest® 2021

Tether & Twine
Luke Ellard (b.1988)

*World Premiere*

Commissioned by Hijinx Quartet for I.C.A. ClarinetFest® 2021

Hijinx Quartet:
Stephen Borodkin, E-flat clarinet
Jennifer Reeves, B-flat clarinet
Shiana Montanari, bass clarinet
Lucas Willsie, bass clarinet

The LCD Woodwind Trio

Jour du pluie (Rainy day) (2020)
Alexis Ciesla (b.1967)

I. En regardant par la fenêtre (While looking out the window)
II. Sauter dans les flaques (Dancing in the puddles)
III. Le bain des moineaux (The bath of sparrows)
IV. Petit coup de blues (A bit depressed)
V. Tout s’envole (Everything flies away)
VI. Où est l’arc-en-ciel? (Where’s the rainbow?)

*World Premiere*

Aglaïa, Op. 51 (2020)
Evan C. Paul (b.1981)

I. Aglaïa and the Oracle at Delphi
II. Aglaïa with Her Sisters, the Charites
III. Aglaïa and Her Mother, Eurynome
Interlude I: Aglaïa and Zeus
IV. Aglaïa Travels with Hermes
V. Aglaïa Meets Hephæstus
Interlude II: Aglaïa Returns to the Oracle
VI. Aglaïa and Her Daughters

*World Premiere*

The LCD Woodwind Trio:
Charles Lewis, flute
Liz Aleksander, clarinets
Douglas Owens, saxophones

The LCD Woodwind Trio’s appearance is supported in part by the University of Tennessee at Martin

When: 07/31/2021 | 6:00 pm

Featuring: Stephen Borodkin, E-flat clarinet; Jennifer Reeves, B-flat clarinet; Shiana Montanari, bass clarinet; Lucas Willsie, bass clarinet; Charles Lewis, flute; Liz Aleksander, clarinets; Douglas Owens, saxophones

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