How many of you reading this article have taken time to explore the ICA website? There is a veritable treasure trove of resources available for both members and non-members of the ICA on our website.
Here are just a few of the features:
- Links to online resources. You can find links to clarinet associations from around the world such as commercial clarinet companies, instrument insurance, equipment manufacturers, accessories retailers, clarinet ensembles, and sheet music publishers – just to name a few.
- James Gillespie Online Resources Library. Members of the ICA have access to PDF versions of every single issue of The Clarinet journal, and you can search by topic in our master index. (Members must log in to access these files.)
- The Clarinet Online (TCO). The Clarinet Online is supplementary material to the printed version of The Clarinet journal, and TCO is available for both members and non-members alike.
- ICA Blog. Congratulations! If you’re reading this post then you’re already enjoying the ICA Blog! Read weekly articles here about current clarinet events, information and resources, and general clarinet topics.
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