Originally published in The Clarinet 51/2 (March 2024).
Copies of The Clarinet are available for ICA members.
ClarinetFest® 2024

Dublin Convention Centre Auditorium
ClarinetFest® 2024 will be held July 31–August 4, 2024, at the Dublin Convention Centre in Dublin, Ireland. The artistic leadership team and ICA board are looking forward to welcoming clarinetists from all over the world back to Europe for a celebration that connects all clarinet players together in a celebration of music, culture, and diversity. All conference events will be held at the Centre, allowing for easy and accessible transitions between events.
ClarinetFest® 2024 features players from 42 countries across the globe. Performances, presentations, competitions, and discussions will bring established professionals, emerging players, students, and enthusiasts together under one roof to share, discover, and enjoy everything the clarinet has to offer. There will be ample opportunities for all to listen, learn, and play, with opportunities to perform in ICA-led ensembles, try out equipment, and take part in master classes or competitions.
The artistic team have programmed an exciting set of headliner concerts that feature leading artists and reflect the ICA membership and its ideals for diversity, equity, inclusion, and access.
The British Clarinet Ensemble will be the accompanying ensemble in a Wednesday night concert performed in memory of their former conductor Charles Hine and Capriccio Clarinet Choir conductor John De Beer, who both died in January 2024. Featured soloists will include Nicholas Baldeyrou, Lara Diaz, Anna Hashimoto, Mark O’Brien, and Irish performers William Curran, Anne Harper, and Berginald Rash.
Klezploitation band Jerusafunk will open Thursday evening’s concert, followed by Andy Lamy playing traditional Irish music with his authentic Irish ensemble. Bass clarinet king Michael Lowenstern will kickstart Friday evening with what will be a dazzling display of his own compositions, followed by jazz clarinetist Arun Ghosh in his first ever ClarinetFest® performance. A British-Asian clarinetist, composer, and music educator, Ghosh was conceived in Calcutta, bred in Bolton, matured in Manchester, and now lives in London. His musical vocabulary and vision reflects his rich geographical heritage.
Saturday evening’s gala concert will feature Ireland’s leading string quartet, the ConTempo Quartet, who will perform with Selin Gürol, Manuel Hernandez, Shannon Kiewitt, and Sacha Rattle.
Headliner events will also take place Thursday–Sunday at 12 p.m. including Paul Roe and The Art Of Collaboration with a host of Irish musicians, Nicola Bufone and Ivan Viller Sanz performing both Mozart clarinet quintets with ConTempo, the Coro de Clarinetes de México, and Jon Russell’s Improbable Beasts bass clarinet ensemble. There will also be headlining recitals by Maura Marinucci, István Kohán, Stefanie Gardner and Paradise Winds, and the world’s leading drag queen clarinet virtuoso, Claire Annette (AKA Vince Dominguez).
Sunday, while having something for all players, will be a day that features low clarinets. In anticipation of the ICA Low Clarinet Festival that will take place at Glendale Community College, Arizona, USA, from January 8-11, 2025, ClarinetFest® 2024 will end with an open invitation to play in the low clarinet choir.
The ICA committees will have a presence at the festival, hosting a series of roundtable discussions and workshops on topics including diversity, equity, and inclusion; health and wellbeing; pedagogy; and repertoire.
ClarinetFest® is made truly special by our industry sponsors and specialists who will be exhibiting everything from instruments, mouthpieces, and reeds to music and other accessories in our designated exhibition hall in the heart of the Convention Centre. The exhibit hall will be open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Thursday to Saturday.
Dublin is a fantastic city in the heart of Ireland with a huge array of museums that celebrate the heritage and culture of the island. You can also visit the world famous Guinness Storehouse and sample Ireland’s most famous product in the place where it is made and tastes best! We also highly recommend taking some time to explore the scenic countryside and coast of both the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland. Take some time to visit Belfast’s Titanic museum, the Giant’s Causeway, or the Game of Thrones Studio tour. There is something for everyone on the Island of Ireland.
Updates and registration links will appear on the ICA website, and more detailed information about events and other essential updates will be sent out via email and on the ClarinetFest® 2024 Facebook page.
The ClarinetFest® 2024 Artistic Leadership Team is Jason Alder, Peter Cigleris, and Sarah Watts. We would also like to thank Anna Hashimoto and Stephanie Reeve for joining us on the team as we enter our final stages of organization. Please contact us at [email protected] with any questions or inquiries.

Dublin Convention Centre
ClarinetFest® 2024 Performers and Presenters (Subject To Change)
Headlining Artists by photo:
Headlining Artists by name
Nicolas Baldeyrou
British Clarinet Ensemble
Nicola Bulfone
Claire Annette (Vince Dominguez)
Coro de Clarinetes de México
William Curran
Lara Díaz
Stefanie Gardner
Arun Ghosh
Selin Gürol
Anne Harper
Anna Hashimoto
Manuel Hernández
Improbable Beasts
Shannon Kiewitt
István Kohán
Andy Lamy
Michael Lowenstern
Maura Marinucci
Mark O’Brien
Berginald Rash
Sacha Rattle
Iván Villar Sanz
Performers and Presenters
Amy Advocat
Francisco Javier de Alba
Jason Alder
Marion Allain
Pedro Alliprandini
Jeff Anderle
Lori Ardovino
Jonathan Aubrey
Adam Ballif
Christy Banks
Diane Barger
David Barrientos
Cindy Bartz
Daniel Becker
Alanna Benoit
Sauro Berti
Jean-Guy Boisvert
Timothy Bonenfant
Barbara Borowicz
Mélanie Bourassa
Katherine Breeden
Karen Bronson
Jeffrey Brooks
Stephanie Bueche
Patrick Burke
Oguz Buyukberber
Erin Cameron
Asher Carlson
Adella Carlson
Christine Carter
Martin Castillos
Radovan Cavallin Žerjal
Vic Chavez, Jr.
Chao Chen
Nicholas Chesemore
Peter Cigleris
Josè Daniel Cirigliano
David Ciucevich
Annelise Clement
Katrina Clements
Catherine Conlin
David Cook
Anthony Costa
Mark Cramer
Agnieszka Dąbrowska-Kras
Andrew DeBoer
Miles DeCastro
Andrew Dees
Julie Detweiler
Victoria Deutsch
Lelio Di Tullio
Tanyawat Dilokkunanant
Kristine Dizon
Kristof Dömötör
Julianne Kirk Doyle
Alexandra Doyle
Mary Alice Druhan
Maria Du Toit
Luke Ellard
Jane Ellsworth
Patrick Englert
Evelynn Esquivel
Mitchell Estrin
Calvin Falwell
James Falzone
Richard Ferrarelli
Wesley Ferreira
Virginia Figueiredo
Ford Fourqurean
Stephen Fox
Kip Franklin
Eduardo Freitas
Parker Gaims
Denise Gainey
Kathya Galleguillos
Joshua Gardner
Peter Geldrich
George Georgiou
Mike Gersten
Meredith Gersten
Risto Gjorevski
Jackie Glazier
Danny Goldman
Angelina-Ogniana Gotcheva
Rachelle Goter
Laura Grantier
Jason Gresl
Elizabeth Gunlogson
Cosmin Harsian
Caroline Hartig
William Hayter
Roger Heaton
Julia Heinen
Steven Henry
Jaren Hinckley
Eric Hoeprich
Christine Hoerning
Alison Hughes
Scot Humes
Maureen Hurd Hause
Lindsey Hutchinson
Sarah Jaegers
Šarūnas Jankauskas
Csaba Jevtic-Somlai
Bernadette John
Robyn Jones
Lisa Kachouee
Marta Kania
Charlotte Kennedy Domínguez
Wonkak Kim
Janghyun Kim
Melissa Kindy
Anna Klett
Sarah Korneisel Jaegers
Boja Kragulj
Jesse Krebs
Rodolfo La Banca
Maryanne Lacaille
Charlotte Layec
Soo-Young Lee
Nathalie Lefevre
Hilary Leonard
Marguerite Levin
Jack Liang
Dawn Lindblade
Julia Lougheed
Michael Lowenstern
Sarah Lucas-Page
Evan Lutz
Shuqing Lyu
Xiaoting Ma
Christine MacDonnell
Corey Mackey
Jenny Maclay
Darkson Magrinelli
Sarah Manasreh
Amanda McCandless
Amy McCann
Dawn McConkie
Blake McGee
Jackie McIlwain
Laura McLaughlin
Henry McNamara
Connor McQuillan
Olivia Meadows
Ionas Mercadal Euler
Benjamin Mitchell
Osiris Molina
Kathleen Mulcahy
Nora-Louise Müller
Matthew Nelson
Bryce Newcomer
Christopher Nichols
Jo Nicholson
Keith Northover
Valerie Nuzzolo
Macdara Ó Seireadáin
Heather O’Gara
Pat O’Keefe
Gregory Oakes
Gloria Ines Orozco Dorado
Kelsey Paquin
Rocco Parisi
Brendan Patterson
John de la Paz
Dmitry Perevertailenko
Lisa Perry
Nicolai Pfeffer
Thomas Piercy
Spencer Prewitt
Maxine Ramey
Kelli Ray
Aileen Razey
Jeremy Reynolds
Wesley Rhodes
Dalton Ringey
Rebeca Romero Demuynck
Camille Rosset-Balcer
Pedro Rubio
Jonathan Russell
Franck Russo
Jeremy Ruth
Larkin Sanders
Robyn Saunders
Eric Schultz
Robin Seletsky
Andrew Seymour
Angela Shankar
Hannah Shilvock
Nadine Silverman
Juliana Sivila
Amelia Smith
Lynne Snyder
Dusan Sodja
Nadia Sofokleous
Marissa Stanfill
Christian Stene
Daryll Stevens
William Sweeney
Vanguel Tangarov
Anthony Taylor
Meghan Taylor
Pei-Lun Tsai
Ian Tyson
Gabrielle Valladares
Eddy Vanoosthuyse
Jorge Variego
Diego Vasquez
Kathryn Vetter
Piero Vincenti
Andrea Vos-Rochefort
Michael Waddell
Eileen Walsh
Michael Walsh
Sarah Watts
Michael Webster
Lowell Weiner
Yi-Hsin Weng
Nancy Williams
Jeremy Wohletz
Cathy Wood
Noah Wright
Rachel Yoder
Shuang Zhu
Amy Zuidema
Amicitia Duo
Aspen Clarinet Quartet
Bob Cole Conservatory Clarinet Choir
British Clarinet Ensemble
Calamus Clarinet Ensemble
Canadian Bass Clarinet Association
Canarian Clarinet Camerata
Capriccio Clarinet Orchestra
Chaos Incarné
Claribel Clarinet Choir Guido Six
Clarinet Fusion
Cyprus Clarinet Ensemble
DesertLake Duo
Duo Claripiano
Duo Elektra
Duo Entre-Nous
Duo Ferula
Duo Humeros
Duo Lucent
E.P.I.C. Duo
Egide Duo
Florida State University Graduate Ensemble
Forever Hornets Clarinet Ensemble (Emporia State University)
Forward 4 Clarinet Quartet
Friends in Low Places
George Mason University Clarinet Choir (Patriot Reeds)
Italian Clarinet Consort
LaBacie Ensemble
Larkspur Reed Trio
Los Padres del Clarinete de Bajo
Luxembourg Clarinet Ambassadors
Maryland Clarinet Choir
Maskit Clarinet Choir
Miami Clarinet
Miami University Clarinet Ensemble
Morii Duo
Museta Ensemble
Orange County Clarinet Consort
Painted Sky Ensemble
Paradise Winds Reed Quintet
Prestige Clarinet Quartet
Q’iru Duet
Reeds Amis
Sapphire Trio
Shutterspeed Duo
Sonoran Swamprats
Sputter Box
Stark Quartet
TAMUC Chamber Woodwinds
TAMUC Clarinet Choir
Tara Winds Clarinet Choir
Tekoha Clarinet Quintet
The Woodwind ensemble of The Royal Norwegian Navy Band
Trio Contrastes
Trio Montage
University of North Florida Clarinet Choir
University of South Florida Clarinet Ensemble
University of Utah Clarinet Choir
Voyager Reed Quintet
Vuorovesi Trio
Wayra Quartet
Yellowstone Chamber Players
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