Clarinet Learning Community at ClarinetFest®: Classes, Clinics & Presentations

Clarinet Learning Community at ClarinetFest®

Another innovative addition in 2021 is the Clarinet Learning Community at ClarinetFest®, which is structured to organize and feature all pedagogy clinics, seminars, lectures, workshops and masterclasses from both Reno and Fort Worth proposals. We have assembled a team of respected and charismatic featured CLC Clinicians to build an engaging class schedule and foster collaboration and community. All CLC events are open to anyone registered for ClarinetFest® 2021 but are designed for a specific target population. 


CLC Featured Clinicians:

Entry musicians – first introductions and lessons to clarinet, Katrina & Timothy Phillips
Level 1 – approximately 1 year experience, Michelle Anderson
Level 2 – approximately 2-3 years experience, Ricky Reeves
Level 3 – approximately 4-5 years experience, Jane Carl
Level 4 – approximately college ready, Phil Paglialonga, ICA Pedagogy Chair
Level 5 – college intensive, John Scott
Level 6 – adult enthusiast, Laura Grantier
Level 7 – pedagogy exchange for professional teachers, Deborah Bish
Health & Wellness – Kathryne Pirtle


July 9 – 11

CLC Early VIDEO Timothy Phillips, “Assembling the Clarinet”

Artist Support: Buffet Crampon, Vandoren, BG

CLC Early/1 VIDEO Celeste Markey, “Rainbow Fish” with the Aether Trio

CLC Early/1 WEBINAR Michael Webster, “Clarinet Adventures”

CLC 1 WEBINAR Michelle Anderson, “How To Get A Good Clarinet Sound – The best habits to help you learn easily and prevent common challenges later”

CLC 2 VIDEO Ricky Reeves, “EMBOUCHURE- Let’s check that chin!”

CLC 3 VIDEO Steve Becraft, “ClarineTron to the Rescue! (and other memorable imagery)”

CLC 4/5 VIDEO Andrea Vos-Rochefort and Dr. Stefanie Harger Gardner, “Auxiliary Pedagogy: Like-Instrument Ensembles for Better Intonation & Tone Concept at a University/High School Level”

CLC 4,5, 6 VIDEO CLX: Chris Mothersole and Tim Fitzgerald, “Yes, YOU Can Rock!  A Guide to Clarinet and Guitar Pedals”

CLC 5 VIDEO Alyssa Powell, “Clarinet Breathing: Anatomy, Physiology, and Pedagogy”

CLC 5/6 VIDEO Barbara Heilmair, “Clarinet Choirs – Fostering an Idiomatic Blend of Large Ensemble and Chamber Music Skills”

CLC 6/7 WEBINAR Rucha Trivedi / Thompson, “Digital Content and Clarinet Pedagogy: Showcasing Your Studio on Social Media”

CLC 7 VIDEO Ellen Kaner, “Essentials of Clarinet Pedagogy: The First Three Years”

CLC 7 VIDEO Kelsey Paquin, “The Clarinet Works of Indian Composer John Mayer”


July 16 – 18

CLC Early VIDEO Katrina Phillips, “First Notes on the Clarinet”

CLC 1 WEBINAR Michelle Anderson, “Clarinet Articulation – The best habits to make starting clarinet notes easier”

CLC 2 VIDEO Ricky Reeves, “How is my Hand Position and Posture?”

CLC 3 VIDEO Julia Janda, “Don’t Just Play the Clarinet” 

CLC 4 WEBINAR Julie DeRoche “Embouchure, Air Shape and Articulation: tips for using these techniques to easily and comfortably express yourself. Have your clarinets ready!”

CLC 4/5 VIDEO Olivia Meadows, “A Program of Study for 21st Century Clarinet Techniques Featuring Five New Compositions for Unaccompanied Clarinet” 

CLC 5/6 VIDEO Sean Osborn, “Performing and Teaching Rose 32 Etudes”

CLC 5/6 VIDEO Karen Bronson, “The Clarinet Pedagogy of Robert Marcellus”

CLC 5 WEBINAR John Scott, “Life-long Student: Life-long Teacher”

CLC 6 WEBINAR Dr. Laura Grantier and Dr. Jeremy Reynolds, “Playing Clarinet, What is it to you? A Hobby? A Career? Both”

CLC 7 VIDEO Cecilia Kang, “Examining the silver linings in the paradigm shift in clarinet pedagogy during Covid19”

Artist Support: Vandoren, Buffet Crampon, Louisiana State University

CLC 7 VIDEO Miles DeCastro, “Put a Cork in it!” 


July 23 – 25

CLC Early VIDEO Katrina Phillips, “Proper Clarinet Articulation”

CLC 1 WEBINAR Michelle Anderson, “Clarinet Fingering – How to learn new notes, and have them feel “automatic””

 CLC 2 VIDEO Ricky Reeves, “Let’s Review the Chromatic scale”

CLC 4 WEBINAR Jose Gomez, “Let’s Talk About Air. Don’t worry– we will have some air for you to use, just bring your clarinet and a friend”

Artist Support: Buffet Crampon

CLC 4/5/6 WEBINAR Dr. Kornel Wolak, “Embouchure Drills for Clarinet”: A multi-media Presentation

CLC 4/5/6 VIDEO Ian McIntyre, “Electrifying the Clarinet: Beginning to Work with Electroacoustic Music”

CLC 5 VIDEO Dr. Carl Galland, “Performing the Music of Brahms With a Historically Inspired, Creative Interpretation”

CLC 5/6 VIDEO Stacey DiPaolo, “The Literature of Clarinet, Tenor Voice, and Piano presented by Trio Voce”

CLC 5/6 VIDEO Dr. Anthony Poehailos IV,, “Recording and Engineering for the Performing Clarinetist”

CLC 7 VIDEO Meghan S. Taylor and Malena McLaren, “Teaching your College Students Powerful Soft Skills: Diplomacy and Self-Preservation”

CLC 7 WEBINAR Deborah Bish, “How We Learn:  Incorporating the Concepts of Perceptual Motor Learning and Neuromuscular Physiology into Teaching Techniques that Work”


July 30 – 31*

CLC Early VIDEO Timothy Phillips, “Cleaning and Caring for your Clarinet”

Artist Support: Buffet Crampon, Vandoren, BG

CLC 1 WEBINAR Michelle Anderson, “Introduction to Clarinet High Notes – What you need to know for these notes to feel easier right from the start.”

CLC 2 VIDEO Ricky Reeves, “Let’s Explore Major Scales”

CLC 4/5 WEBINAR Larkin Sanders, “Creative Clarinet Careers: Thinking Outside the Orchestra (and Teaching)”

CLC 7 WEBINAR Thiago Ancelmo, “Penderecki and his Works for the Clarinet”

CLC 7 WEBINAR Lynne Snyder, “Burned Out! How Your Passion Fires You Up or Burns You Out and What To Do About It”