ICA Halloween 5K 2023

Join the ICA Health and Wellness Committee and other ICA members in participating in the 2023 Halloween 5K! This is our third year holding this event, and we hope to have even more clarinetists join in the fun!


Will you be participating in the Halloween 5k with others?? Multiple studies, such as the one below,  suggest that group-based physical activity protects against depression. –  https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34450391//)


The findings in this study suggest that “belonging to groups that engage in physical activity can protect against depression, and point to the value of initiatives that aim to promote people’s engagement in such groups.”


We all know that keeping active is important for both our mental and physical health, but sometimes it can be really hard to keep up the motivation when we go at it alone. Exercising with other people has so many fantastic benefits such as helping us stay motivated, energized and protecting against depression. Connecting with others can lift our spirits, and socializing WHILE doing moderate exercise releases those feel-good hormones, endorphins, at the same time! Therefore, Exercise can not only lift your mood, but also help you feel less stressed and better able to deal with daily challenges more clearly.

Looking to complete your 5K with other clarinetists and musicians?


Submit your 5k meeting info by clicking the Submit a 5k Meeting button below. Find a group to meet up with by clicking the Find a Group button below.

Support the ICA, get active, and look great in your official race design apparel, designed by @cleverclarinetist Larkin Sanders!

Design available at clarinet.threadless.com!