
ClarinetFest® 2021 Virtual: Spotlight Recital 3 – ICA Board Recital

Christopher Nichols
Hommage à M. de Falla (1993)
Béla Kovács (b.1937)
Cinco Bocetos (1984)
Roberto Sierra (b.1953)
I. Preludio
II. Canción del campo
III. Interludio nocturno
IV. Canción de la montaña
V. Final con pájaros
Tonada y Cueca (1966)
Carlos Guastavino (1912-2000)
Christopher Nichols, clarinet
Oksana Glouchko, piano

This project is supported, in part, by a grant from the Delaware Division of the Arts, a state agency, in partnership with the National Endowment for the Arts. The Division promotes Delaware arts events on


Daniel Armistead
Jennifer Margaret Barker
Hannah Leposa
John Palmer
University of Delaware School of Music

Amicitia Duo
The Creation of the Amicitia Suite:
a short discussion with the Amicitia Duo, pianist Mark Clinton, and composer Scott McAllister
Amicitia Suite for E-flat and B-flat clarinets and piano (2017)
Scott McAllister (b.1969)
I. Prelude “Play Pretty”
II. Schizo Scherzo
III. Heavy D
Amicitia Duo:
Diane Barger, E-flat clarinet
Denise Gainey, B-flat clarinet
Mark Clinton, piano

When: 07/11/2021 | 3:30 pm

Featuring: Christopher Nichols, clarinet; Oksana Glouchko, piano; Amicitia Duo: Diane Barger, E-flat clarinet; Denise Gainey, clarinet; Mark Clinton, piano

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