
ClarinetFest® 2021 Virtual: Lonestar Recital 4

Michele Von Haugg 

The Mpingo Parables for solo clarinet and looper
Brett L. Wery (b.1963)

I. Shallow Moe (The Blackwood Page)
II. the best of prayer is song
III. Ngoma na Filimbi (The Drum and the Flute)
IV. Counting the Rings

Michele Von Haugg, clarinet

Catherine Wood

The Fence, the Rooftop, and the Distant Sea (2016)
Kinen Azmeh (b.1976)

I. Prologue
II. Ammonite
III. Monologue
IV. Dance
V. Epilogue

Catherine Wood, clarinet
Leanne Zacharias, cello

Erin Cameron 

Sonorous Body (2008)
Liza Lim (b.1966)

Erin Cameron, clarinet

When: 07/24/2021 | 4:00 pm

Featuring: Michele Von Haugg, clarinet; Catherine Wood, clarinet; Leanne Zacharias, cello; Erin Cameron, clarinet

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