
ClarinetFest® 2021 Virtual: Clarinet Playing in Pregnancy and Beyond: Air Support and Other Challenges in the Postpartum Period

“Clarinet Playing in Pregnancy and Beyond: Air Support and Other Challenges in the Postpartum Period”

with Rachel Yoder

Pregnancy and childbirth have extreme effects on the muscles involved in air support and other physical aspects of playing the clarinet, but most clarinetists have little knowledge about these issues and how to address them. This presentation explores the topic of clarinet playing during pregnancy and the postpartum period from three angles: 1) Results of a survey of 57 clarinetists about their experiences playing clarinet during pregnancy and postpartum; 2) A review of research on the physiology of air support and how this physiology may be affected by pregnancy; and 3) recommendations for players and teachers on how to safely return to clarinet playing in the postpartum period, informed by the medical literature and common physical therapy exercises.

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When: 07/30/2021 | 2:00 pm

Featuring: Rachel Yoder

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