
ClarinetFest® 2021 Virtual: Living With Performance Anxiety: Nurturing Confident Performing in Ourselves and Our Students

“Living With Performance Anxiety: Nurturing Confident Performing in Ourselves and Our Students”
with Jason Shafer
We all get nervous – learning to perform under pressure is a lifelong journey! Through examining a variety of techniques for achieving a healthy performance mindset, you will leave the presentation with an expanded set of skills for coping with performance anxiety and nurturing confidence, especially in high-pressure performance situations. We’ll also explore ways to help our students with these topics. There’s no “secret technique” that works for everyone with performance anxiety; rather, we must be open to experimentation and commit to working on the skill of performing, just as we commit to working on our clarinet skills.
Supplemental Resource

When: 07/11/2021 | 3:00 pm

Featuring: Jason Shafer

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