ClarinetFest® 2021 Virtual

As a result of the global COVID-19 health emergency, and our inability to guarantee a safe event for our members with all of the unknowns of the pandemic and the spreading of the variants of the virus, the International Clarinet Association has made the difficult decision to move ClarinetFest® 2021 to a virtual format. The Artistic Leadership Team for ClarinetFest® 2021 envisioned a very different plan but we are overcoming the continued challenges of COVID-19 to completely reimagine the possibilities! The Artistic Leadership Team is charging ahead with preparations for a globally-inclusive virtual ClarinetFest® and we look forward to hosting a wonderfully diverse event for our clarinet community. Although we will miss seeing each of you in Texas, redesigning the conference has allowed us the opportunity to respond to membership requests to relax the schedule. 

Each event will be given a unique air time over four weekends in July (Fridays through Sundays) but will also remain available to registered attendees for one month. 


Conference Dates – Friday afternoons through Sunday afternoons

July 9 – 11

July 16 – 18

July 23 – 25

July 30 – 31 (Finale on Saturday Evening) 


The Featured Evening Artist invitation process started in Summer of 2019 and has constantly evolved around pandemic concerns. Featured Evening Artists and their sponsors will choose a unique air time in their preferred local prime time to encourage friends, family and supporters from home an opportunity to watch at peak time, creating a truly international stage on a global clock! 

The International Clarinet Association will recognize Honorary Members Robert Spring and Charles West at ClarinetFest® 2021 both through performances and a live virtual reception. Watch the website and program information for more details.

A unique component of ClarinetFest® 2021 is the Flowers without Borders Stage, designed to feature performances that subscribe to the event theme. The membership was asked to explore opportunities to affect positive change across borders, cultures and societal divisions as the basis for proposals. This virtual stage will feature a wide variety of recitals, each named after a native wildflower. 

Another innovative addition in 2021 is the Clarinet Learning Community at ClarinetFest®, which is structured to organize and feature all pedagogy clinics, seminars, lectures, workshops and master classes from both Reno and Fort Worth proposals. We have assembled a team of respected and charismatic featured CLC Clinicians to build an engaging class schedule and foster collaboration and community. All CLC events are open to anyone registered for ClarinetFest® 2021 but are designed for a specific target population. 

Master class application and participation will be organized by Phillip Paglialonga. See for continuing updates. 

We are pleased to be able to host the Third Annual Guido Six International Clarinet Choir Festival. Attendees of ClarinetFest® 2021 are invited to participate in the first “Guido Six Virtual International Clarinet Choir” led by a team of exceptional musicians. As this component is undergoing drastic changes at this time, the planned organizers/conductors/techs will likely change as well. Attendees must register in advance for virtual choir opportunities (for planning and recording purposes). See the website for continuing updates. 

We would like to highlight and update the Showcase Stage which will feature performances by young student ensembles. The deadline for submitting applications and recordings for this stage has been extended to April 30, 2021. The ensemble size requirement has been reduced to trio (3 players) or larger in an attempt to encourage the membership to use best health practices. Each performing ensemble must be comprised of only school-aged students (high school graduating seniors and younger) and each ensemble must comply with their school and local health guidelines for any rehearsal, recording or event related to the Showcase Stage initiative.  

*Non-clarinetist ensemble directors do not have to be an ICA member in order to apply for their ensemble to perform as part of the Showcase Stage. 

Applications and recordings can be submitted through the website using the Acceptd portal link and will be reviewed for selection for the Showcase Stage by Paula Corley. Notification regarding the status of the application will be sent by June 1, 2021. 

The ClarinetFest® 2021 Artistic Leadership Team consists of 

Cheyenne Cruz, Jody Webb, Gary Whitman and your Co-Hosts, 

Mary Alice Druhan and Jennifer Mendez Daffinee. 



ICA membership, conference registration, sponsorship, virtual exhibit hall, and website questions can be sent to Jessica Harrie at [email protected]

General ICA questions can be sent to [email protected]

General ClarinetFest® 2021 questions can be sent to [email protected]

Showcase Stage questions can be sent to [email protected] 

Master class questions can be sent to [email protected]