
New Music Weekend 2022: Live Presentation Session 2

Live Presentations on Zoom October 22, 2022 at 4:00 PM EST

Pipe Dreams: PVC extension possibilities Dylan Findley and Csaba Jevtic-Somlai

 In the 21st century, composers have pushed for further extended techniques on the clarinet. One of these untapped techniques is the PVC pipe extension to modify the tone color and extend the playable range. Based on several years of experience using different types of PVC extensions, recently demonstrated in our co-composed Race in Space! premiered at the ICA ClarinetFest, we propose to answer the following questions:

  1. How can PVC pipe extensions be used with clarinets?
  2. What tools are needed to start creating extensions fit for clarinets?
  3. What are the capabilities of PVC pipe extensions (multiphonics, T joints for multiple note options, etc.)?
  4. What are the limits of PVC pipe extensions?
  5. What are the unexplored possibilities of PVC pipe extensions?


Notation for Live Effects: Suggestions for Standardization Chris Mothersole

Notation for the use of live effects in clarinet performance has come in many forms throughout the decades, whether it’s achieved through the use of guitar pedal effects or live audio processing software. This workshop provides suggestions for composers with the goal of simplifying and standardizing notation in electroacoustic performance, using a composition by Chris Mothersole as an example of these suggestions in practice. Attendees will be able to listen and follow along in the sheet music of his new solo work DEMO, which received its premiere at the Schwob School of Music at Columbus State University this fall. An excerpt of this work is provided, and the full piece will be pre-recorded for use in this live workshop.


Supplemental Materials - Chris Mothersole

When: 10/22/2022 | 4:00 pm

Featuring: Dylan Findley, Csaba Jevtic-Somlai, Chris Mothersole

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